Give Yourself a Smile You Love With Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you content with your smile appearance? In Bakersfield, CA, the family dentist who provides premium cosmetic dentistry services is Dr. Ivan Medina-Martinez. He ensures his patients have vibrant oral health but also love their smiles. How can we help you?

What do you wish to change?

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) says that your smile says a lot about you. At our Bakersfield, CA, office, our caring dentist and his team couldn't agree more.

Your smile gives others a glimpse into your personality, including how friendly, competent, and outreaching you are. If, however, that smile is dull, yellow, chipped, or crooked, your instincts tell you to hide it, and your self-esteem and self-image experience a significant downgrade.

Here's where cosmetic dentistry services come in. They build on the foundation of healthy gums and teeth. Geared toward a smile people notice positively and toward your best self-image, aesthetic treatments from Dr. Medina-Martinez can help you project confidence, congeniality, and capability.

Here are our services

When you come to our office, you'll meet with Dr. Medina-Martinez. He'll give you a complete oral exam, and take X-rays, digital photos, and more. You'll discuss how you wish to change your smile, and your dentist will tell you what's possible and best for you.

Some of our cosmetic treatments are as follows:

  • Professional teeth whitening: Available as an in-office service or as take-home trays, whitening lifts years of organic stains from your tooth enamel. It uses concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel (activated with a special light with the in-office version). The results? Would you like a smile eight shades brighter?
  • Invisalign clear aligners: These invisible appliances shift crooked teeth into attractive--and healthy--positions. Thin and comfortable, Invisalign aligners create new smiles quickly and discreetly, making them a wonderful choice for teens and adults alike.
  • Porcelain veneers: Shells of high-grade ceramic, veneers disguise the front of teeth right in the smile zone. They permanently cover intractable discolorations, hairline cracks, narrow gaps, poor shape and size, and more.
  • Dental implants: These complete tooth replacements are stable and reliable. Because they reside in your jaw, they exercise it each time you bite and chew. So, you'll have a stronger, healthier bone structure, youthful facial appearance, and natural oral function for decades.

Love your smile

You can not only be content with your smile appearance, you can love it. So will those around you. To learn more about cosmetic dentistry, contact your dentist, Dr. Ivan Medina-Martinez in his Bakersfield, CA, office. Phone (661) 741-0310.

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Hours of Operation

Emergency appointment by request

Ivan Medina-Martinez DDS




10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm



